Parental involvement

Bethany Primary is an inclusive school community that welcomes all

At Bethany, we foster a network of relationships that draws together staff and students, families, the parish and broader community. The sharing of talents and skills across these relationships is integral to the success of the school and its students.

Open days, school concerts, parent morning teas, and Masses, provide opportunities for families to be a part of school life.

Bethany also offers each member of the school community the opportunity to share, celebrate and grow in their faith.

Parents are encouraged to play an active role in the life of our school. There are many opportunities for parents to assist, and we hope you will be keen to offer your help in one or more of the following areas:

  • attending school prayer celebrations and liturgies
  • assisting with classroom activities (e.g. Sport, Math/Reading groups etc.) when requested by the teacher
  • school library (e.g. covering books)
  • supporting school events such as Athletics and Swimming Carnivals
  • school excursions, when requested by the teacher
  • canteen

Please note that any contractor or parent volunteer working with the children on a voluntary basis or working on site at the school will be required to sign in. You will also be required to wear the appropriate badge indicating the type of activity being performed, and sign out when leaving the school premises.

Parent Education

We recognise the vital role of parents in the education of their children and their participation in the life of the school. Therefore we aim to:

  • reaffirm the partnership in education of the child between parents and the school
  • enhance the parents' understanding of directions in curriculum and teaching practice
  • support parents in the faith development and moral formation of their children

You are your child's first teacher

The children are in your care for the first 5 years of their life. You then enter Bethany, in partnership, to continue the child’s learning and growth.

Learning to speak and listen starts with you at home. Try to:

  • talk to your child about what you are both doing
  • listen to your child carefully
  • answer many of the endless questions
  • read a story every day, maybe at bedtime
  • borrow children's books and toys from your local library
  • teach songs, rhymes, jingles, the names of colours and parts of the body
  • count things. Does your child know what the number means? Try things like asking your child to set the table and count the plates etc.
  • sort and match collections of things like fruit, clothing etc.
  • ask your child to follow simple instructions such as, "Take off your shoes and put them on the verandah"
  • take some time to play with your child; find out about their ideas and feelings
  • remember the importance of listening to children and making them feel loved. This cannot be over emphasised
  • teach them good hygiene and sanitation
  • teach them “No means No!”
Bethany students

Start the Volunteer and Contractor Training

Volunteer Training

We welcome the contribution volunteers make to the life of our school.

As we are committed to keeping students safe, all volunteers in schools are required to complete the building child safe communities undertaking form and child protection training module before volunteering. These checks reduce potential risk and forms part of our strategy to build child safe communities.

Start Your Online Training